:) I havent come across anyone who doesnt smile after hearing the word: Sunday. Its a bliss for the working community... and for the non-working community too, its a time well spent or i guess the day most looked forward to. Sunday holds a special place in my heart. More so after taking up the NewsX assignment, which makes me value every Sunday i am not working. God!! Its such a relief to have a break. This is one trend set by the world, i dont wish to question. Infact i whole heartedly accept this one practice of the world.
Sundays!!! Aaahhh... Waking up without the fear of having to report anywhere by 9. Waking up and spending the next few hours without changing, without shower... and sometimes even brushing. What a bliss!! The entire rack of newspaper with best editorials, feature articles, great interviews, movie/books/music reviews and the glossy shine to make it extra special, is the next best thing about Sunday. And if you are a Sunday Express fan, you will share the smile right now. The special feature - The Eye. Even DNA is turning out to be very promising. Its a great read. Their 'The Mag on Sunday' is good too. And then the weekly forecasts. :) I always read Amul and my zodaic sign predictions... only to forget what was predicted last sunday and if the predictions are true at all. But its fun. Reading the cartoon strip and the Spiritual Corner in the The Sunday Times. All this happens only on Sundays. I guess the press knows too what people like to read on Sunday.
And once done with paper... i move on to either computer, load my favourite songs and get down to cleaning my room... or switch on the tv, get hold of my coke can and surf channels till i am done with it. Its so cool to have a Sunday at the end of the entire week. Well, in India atleast Sunday is the last day of the week. In Middle East, people must be feeling the same about Friday. And i am not sure but in the US, the week starts with a Sunday. Wow... what a way to start your week... with a holiday!!
Infact, its no fault of Monday for being disliked by so many people. Its all Sunday's fault being so cheerful that no soul loves to return to the mundane, money making, back breaking and nerve wrenching work schedule that Monday brings with it.
And the thoughts about Monday start sinking in by 8pm on Sunday evenings... as soon as you mentally go through what all awaits you tomw. For me, its always the dreaded 8am call from Delhi... going through your day plan, explaining the story, the angle you are exploring, the interviews you will be doing, the shots that you plan... god!! So much for a meagre salary.
But i am still 2 good long hours away from feeling all bad about Sunday getting over though. Right now, as i type this blog out, my dad is practising 'Ya Rabba' by Kailash Kher on his harmonium. Just like i love listening to Kailash, i love sitting with dad when he's playing his harmonium and singing along. Today, its his birthday, but he's chosen to spend it like any other day. Which is equally cheerful and relaxed for him anyways. He doesnt want to go outside for a meal or call anybody home. As we both wait for mom to get back from Visnagar, we both are happy just doing our own stuff right now. By now, after listening to Ya Rabba 5 times, appreciating Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy's effort, Dad's learnt the song. He will now sing on some other day, when he is in mood to play his harmonium with his chai. :)
God bless Sunday!! I wish people many joyous Sundays as they toil through the week with the worldly pursuits of money, fame, position, security and insecurities too. Sundays are about not following world's dictum. Its about following your heart. Your heart which asks you to sleep a little more, to relish that every sip of coffee, stretch while reading newspaper, and yawn loudly for four hours after waking up, roaming in your shorts and eating banana or chocolate with feet on the table and surfing channels... aahhh... what a bliss!!
If like different Gods, if days were worshipped too - i would be a die hard Sunday bhakt!! I would lobby hard among god to give Sunday the most prominence in his darbar. Would hold propaganda conferences to promote Sunday and do everything within my means to draw more people into its fold. Who wouldnt want to embrace a Sunday???!!!
I just shared this idea with dad... about hailing Sunday as a God!! Dad said, i am either very hungry or just plain stupid. :)
Well, so as Dad wraps up his harmonium, i too will wrap up this blog. I have to go pay visit to Aara now. Yup, Chintan and Vrushti have a baby girl now. A cute little goddess!! Literally!! Aara means Goddess of Vengeance. But for our elders who we know will raise eyebrows at this explanation - we keep it a little more subtle - Goddess of Equality!! :) Get it???!!!
So enjoy your sunday till it lasts!! GOD bless SUNDAY!!