Once again it was a Saturday and around 6pm, 5 blasts shook the Indian Capital - New Delhi. And the media houses once again recieved the email from Indian Mujahideen 5 minutes before the blast. I too have a copy of that email. Yes, its terrifying to read that 13 page email. They are fearless and think they are doing the right thing by killing innocents. And one thing that's constant in their email is 'anger'. There's a quote: Anger is one word short of Danger. Perhaps, it couldnt have been more apt that this.

Some angry men in India are taking their anger out on innocents. They call themselves Indian Mujahideen. And the police like rats... are just following the pieces left behind by them with no clue, where the actual cheese is.
After every blasts, as a journalist there's a protocol to follow. I was reporting in Mumbai when 7 blasts blew off train compartments in Mumbai... I was in Ahmedabad when 16 blasts rocked the city and the trauma centre at civil hospital was targetted. Every time there's a blast - the protocol is to rush to the site... gather eye witnesses, take their sound bites, move onto record a PTC (piece to camera) or a small walk through describing the ground situation... once you are done with that... the hospitals and the police investigation comes next. Cover stories on the victims and their families or try butter up the police officials into revealing which track are they following for the investigation. Same old thing... same old method... same old words... but new victims everytime... new families are destroyed... which gives some vicarious pleasure to the attackers.
Sajid Mansuri, one of the SIMI members in Crime Branch's custody started sobbing in the metropolitan court once when he saw his wife and child. He got to hug them both and spend some couple of minutes with them before he was whisked away by the police. But his small child had no clue as to why Sajid was being handcuffed or shielded with a black cloth... what wrong had the father done?? Dont these attackers think about their families??
Another suspect, Abdul Subhan alias Tauqir, who is allegedly the technical brain behind these attacks has not kept in touch with his family since 2001. His family lives in Mira Road in Mumbai and have no clue as to his whereabouts... Wouldnt Tauqir have had even once thought about his mom and dad?? And if he's the one who has composed the email and masterminded the blasts - its not very difficult to believe that he's least interested in his family...
Some of the excerpts of the email are below: You will notice how full of anger, hatred they are... and that they are so excited... they are at such a stage that there's no turning back. I only wish to GOD - even Indian Mujahideen's Allah... if you are watching all this... please do something. Its shaking the basic core of this country. We have so many better things to do in life... than bomb and see some people get blown to pieces. I hope HE is listening.

"It is not hidden from you anymore that after tasting the bitterest
of defeats by our hands at Ahmedabad and Surat, the INDIAN
MUJAHIDEEN- "the homegrown Jihadi militia of Islam" – have
once again attacked to make you face the disastrous consequences of
the injustice and oppression inflicted upon the Muslims all over the
country. With this message, we once again declare that our intense,
accurate and successive attacks like the one you will see exactly 5
minutes from now, Inshallah, will continue to punish you even
before your earlier wounds have healed. To dreadfully terrorize you
this time, by the Will and Help of Almighty Allah, we are about to
devastate your very first metropolitan center, your ‘most strategic
hindutva hub’, your ‘green zone’- yes! It’s your own capital – New
Inshallah, that are almost going to stop the "heart" of India from
of defeats by our hands at Ahmedabad and Surat, the INDIAN
MUJAHIDEEN- "the homegrown Jihadi militia of Islam" – have
once again attacked to make you face the disastrous consequences of
the injustice and oppression inflicted upon the Muslims all over the
country. With this message, we once again declare that our intense,
accurate and successive attacks like the one you will see exactly 5
minutes from now, Inshallah, will continue to punish you even
before your earlier wounds have healed. To dreadfully terrorize you
this time, by the Will and Help of Almighty Allah, we are about to
devastate your very first metropolitan center, your ‘most strategic
hindutva hub’, your ‘green zone’- yes! It’s your own capital – New
Inshallah, that are almost going to stop the "heart" of India from
"Taking into account all that followed after July 26, it seems that
the entire Mumbai ATS has failed to take heed from our previous
warnings and is deliberately committed to mess with us. You should
know that your acts are not at all left unnoticed; rather we are closely
keeping an eye on you and just waiting for the proper time to execute
your bloodshed. We are aware of your recent night raids at
Ansarnagar, Mograpada in Andheri and the harassment and trouble
you created there for the Muslims. You threatened to murder them
and your mischief went to such an extent that you even dared to
abuse and insult Maulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan Qasmi and even
misbehaved with the Muslim women and children there. If this is the
degree to which your arrogance has reached, and if you think that by
these stunts you can scare us, then let the INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN
warn all the people of Mumbai that whatever deadly attacks you will
face in future, the only responsible elements for it will be the Mumbai
ATS and their guardians: Vilasrao Deshmukh and R.R. Patil. You are
already on our hit-list and this time very very seriously."
the entire Mumbai ATS has failed to take heed from our previous
warnings and is deliberately committed to mess with us. You should
know that your acts are not at all left unnoticed; rather we are closely
keeping an eye on you and just waiting for the proper time to execute
your bloodshed. We are aware of your recent night raids at
Ansarnagar, Mograpada in Andheri and the harassment and trouble
you created there for the Muslims. You threatened to murder them
and your mischief went to such an extent that you even dared to
abuse and insult Maulana Mahmood-ul-Hasan Qasmi and even
misbehaved with the Muslim women and children there. If this is the
degree to which your arrogance has reached, and if you think that by
these stunts you can scare us, then let the INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN
warn all the people of Mumbai that whatever deadly attacks you will
face in future, the only responsible elements for it will be the Mumbai
ATS and their guardians: Vilasrao Deshmukh and R.R. Patil. You are
already on our hit-list and this time very very seriously."
"The media always uses double standards to measure terrorism.
The word 'terrorism' is never used when a story on Sangh violence is
told, no matter how large scale the violence is. The violence
unleashed by the Sangh Parivar in Gujarat was defined only as
"expression of communalism" and the same is the case with what
happens in Orissa at present. At this moment we ask you as to why
the 'Sangh terror' on all the minorities including the Muslims, Dalits
and Christians is a rarely noticed idea?
With this message, we have hereby justified as to why the
bastard Times Of India and its columnist Tarun Vijay is on our
crosshair right now and this time too we warn you that the time has
come for your breath to be arrested in our lethal claws so that you
may suffer the agonies of "psychologically" fighting us. Even if you
defend the criminals of VHP and RSS, shielding them from us, the
INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN has plenty of ways, already planned, to
make them cry for their sins, and one of which they have already
faced in the parking of LG and Civil Hospitals. So next time
whenever you are there in the hospital premises for the "blood
donation" program it is our assurance to you that we’ll be there too
for our "blood reception" program. Hence in future it is expected that
you will not be so careless!"
The word 'terrorism' is never used when a story on Sangh violence is
told, no matter how large scale the violence is. The violence
unleashed by the Sangh Parivar in Gujarat was defined only as
"expression of communalism" and the same is the case with what
happens in Orissa at present. At this moment we ask you as to why
the 'Sangh terror' on all the minorities including the Muslims, Dalits
and Christians is a rarely noticed idea?
With this message, we have hereby justified as to why the
bastard Times Of India and its columnist Tarun Vijay is on our
crosshair right now and this time too we warn you that the time has
come for your breath to be arrested in our lethal claws so that you
may suffer the agonies of "psychologically" fighting us. Even if you
defend the criminals of VHP and RSS, shielding them from us, the
INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN has plenty of ways, already planned, to
make them cry for their sins, and one of which they have already
faced in the parking of LG and Civil Hospitals. So next time
whenever you are there in the hospital premises for the "blood
donation" program it is our assurance to you that we’ll be there too
for our "blood reception" program. Hence in future it is expected that
you will not be so careless!"
"The Central Congress Government which pretends to be the
well wisher of Muslim interests has always treacherously hurt them
and used them to come in power since Independence. It is this
double-faced attitude of the Congress that has secured its vote bank,
and still allowed it to silently commit one of the most heinous crimes
against the Muslim nation ever witnessed by history - the demolition
of Babri Masjid. It has failed to take heed and still continues to cheat
the Muslims under the label of "secularism". These serial bomb blasts
at Delhi are yet another intimidation to the Congress Government to
desist from agitating the Muslim sentiments anymore. Your approval
to the bills like GUJCOCA and POTA are not at all going to deter or
affect the determination of the Mujahideen
make our tasks easier for us."
well wisher of Muslim interests has always treacherously hurt them
and used them to come in power since Independence. It is this
double-faced attitude of the Congress that has secured its vote bank,
and still allowed it to silently commit one of the most heinous crimes
against the Muslim nation ever witnessed by history - the demolition
of Babri Masjid. It has failed to take heed and still continues to cheat
the Muslims under the label of "secularism". These serial bomb blasts
at Delhi are yet another intimidation to the Congress Government to
desist from agitating the Muslim sentiments anymore. Your approval
to the bills like GUJCOCA and POTA are not at all going to deter or
affect the determination of the Mujahideen
make our tasks easier for us."
"We, the INDIAN MUJAHIDEEN, ask Allah, the Almighty to
accept from us these 9 explosions, which were planned to be executed
in the holy month of Ramadan. We have carried out this attack in the
memory of two most eminent Mujahids of India: Sayyed Ahmed
Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed (may Allah bestow His Mercy
upon them) who had raised the glorious banner of Jihad against the
disbelievers in this very city of Delhi. It is the great hard work and
sacrifices of these visionary legends that shall always inspire us
Inshallah to carry on the struggle and fight against the Kufr
(disbelief) till our last breath. This is the moment when the Muslims
of Delhi should once again reflect at the glorious history of our
ancestors and revive the forgotten obligation of JIHAD.
Your oppression will always be revenged Inshallah though after
years to come. Never assume that we have forgotten the demolition
of Babri Masjid and by Allah we can never forget it! It is that grave
mistake of yours which will make you taste humiliation for
generations to come. Babri Masjid was and will remain to be our
glorious self esteem and Inshallah, we will prove it to you a hornet’s
nest in which you have immersed your bare hand, unaware of the
pain to come. If you are prepared to suffer the results of this issue,
then by the will of Allah, verily! We will make you face it, and if you
feel you are wise enough, then here we announce our ultimatum:
Vacate the land of Babri as soon as you can."
accept from us these 9 explosions, which were planned to be executed
in the holy month of Ramadan. We have carried out this attack in the
memory of two most eminent Mujahids of India: Sayyed Ahmed
Shaheed and Shah Ismail Shaheed (may Allah bestow His Mercy
upon them) who had raised the glorious banner of Jihad against the
disbelievers in this very city of Delhi. It is the great hard work and
sacrifices of these visionary legends that shall always inspire us
Inshallah to carry on the struggle and fight against the Kufr
(disbelief) till our last breath. This is the moment when the Muslims
of Delhi should once again reflect at the glorious history of our
ancestors and revive the forgotten obligation of JIHAD.
Your oppression will always be revenged Inshallah though after
years to come. Never assume that we have forgotten the demolition
of Babri Masjid and by Allah we can never forget it! It is that grave
mistake of yours which will make you taste humiliation for
generations to come. Babri Masjid was and will remain to be our
glorious self esteem and Inshallah, we will prove it to you a hornet’s
nest in which you have immersed your bare hand, unaware of the
pain to come. If you are prepared to suffer the results of this issue,
then by the will of Allah, verily! We will make you face it, and if you
feel you are wise enough, then here we announce our ultimatum:
Vacate the land of Babri as soon as you can."
And their last line is "The battle has now begun and the dust will never settle down."
1 comment:
The recent bomb blasts all around India just gives another example of religion doing more harm than good, to people of our country. We ourselves as so-called "SOCIETY", should, claim responsibility for building this tension up between people, only to face inconsolable consequences. We need to be sensitive and open minded and not be scared or biased working or being around people from different casts/religions. And that is what I call Real Education. After all we are humans, we breath the same air and enjoy sun-shine together, live in the same country then why this kind of hostile behavior?
Great article mos,
keep up the good work..
One world one religion and that religion is Peace :)
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