This Sunday: Spa and Deep Conditioning
Never will: Smoke or dope
Yearning for: Devam to come back and a Goa Trip
Want to: Go on a Vacation (like right now) and make a documentary (just need a little push)
Hate it: When Mom reminds me how much (very little in this case) time i spend at home and when people ask: When are you getting married?
Love it: When Amul pampers me and showers me with attention and Sunday is approaching.
Would like to thank god for: Strong Digestive System, Shahrukh Khan and inventing the concept of Sleep
Recent Discovery: I suffer from short term memory loss. (cant recall what was said just a minute ago) But i have execellent long term memory
Wish to control: Sensex and Mom's temper
Looking forward to: Diwali gatherings and Anu's weddingCurrent Favourites: Jasuben Pizza and Shambhu's cold coffee
Last Expense: L&T's 5 shares
Pending Expense: Wagon R's service and getting rid of the scratch
Currently Reading: Exodus by Leon Uris, Scarred by Dionna Bunsha, Descent into Chaos by Ahmed Rashid.

Want to indulge in: A watch for myself and Amul, a trip to New York, egypt vacation for parents, Diwali party for friends, diamond earrings, Hyundia Verna or a Mitsubishi Lancer.................
Well, i don't know about the rest but from first hand experience, i know that you accomplished one of your wishes - throwing Diwali party for friends.
This reminds me of an interesting story which I must share with people in general. Mosiqi bullied everyone into wearing traditionals for the party...when i said i didn't have one, she mercilessly uninvited me to the party. In order to regain my invitation i had to work real hard..put in incredible effort into looking ethnic (which of course I nailed it)! And after all that, I reach the place to find my old friend 'Mos' dressed in...yes my friends you guessed it right...ANYTHING BUT TRADITIONAL!! Oh of course, let's not leave a margin for error, because knowing Mos, I wouldn't be surprised if she retaliated with something like this, "Oh but it is a traditional attire......of the English!"
:) well.. i might have not been in traditional... but u rocked the party with your red hot skirt... way to go bobbyy....
i plan to throw another party on new year's eve... be here...
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