Thank you all for reading the blog and sharing some "experiences" with me.... I got some amazing responses for the previous post and some of them have actually committed a crime (in my eyes) for some of the most important things they forgot to share with their partner...
I once asked Amul to meet me at 7am at ATIRA for a morning walk. I conveniently forgot. I just didnt wake up. He went, walked around, returned home, slept off... only to see me.. all apologetic at 9am. :)
And as i have discovered... many around me have committed some amazing blunders in life... All of them requested to remain anonymous...
Some of their confessions... OFF THE RECORD ofcourse..

1) "I forgot to tell my girlfriend that i went to see this cricket match. She thought i was in office all the time. And i was so excited that i completely forgot to tell her or take her along. You can imagine how much explaining i had to do."
2) "I didnt tell my husband that i had joined a diet program.. I wanted to prove that i lost weight naturally without making any efforts. He finally discovered when he saw their leaflet addressed to me. He was upset."
3) "My ex boyfriend started gambling and betting on cricket matches. I never got to know of it till one day i caught him red handed stealing a 50 rupee note from my wallet. I was first taken aback as to why was he borrowing money without telling me. I wouldnt have bothered with a 50 rupee note. But he panicked and even before i asked, he blurted out everything. He couldnt leave gambling. So i left him."

4) "My boyfriend use to watch porn. He somehow never shared this with me. When i came to know... i was very upset."
5) "My wife convinced me into buying a second hand car instead of a brand new car. She said we will save money that way. The next day she went and got herself gold earrings. Without telling me. I was furious. I thought she was selfish."
6) "I forgot to pick up my child from school one day. I was tired and went off to sleep. When i woke up, my child had come home. The Principal dropped him home. I have never revealed this to my husband. He will be angry if he comes to know this."
7) "My boyfriend and i went for this long drive on the bike without telling my parents. We met with an accident and there was no one on the highway to help us. We somehow managed to reach Ahmedabad. It was nice of my parents to not scold me of having a boyfriend and driving off far without their knowledge. All they said was 'Why didnt you tell us?"

8) "Once after the fight, i went on this long drive by myself. Then watched a movie alone. Then had this huge thickshake. Ordered Dominoes. Watched a cricket match. Had good fun. Thought will upset my girlfriend by doing all this. On the other hand, she went on this shopping spree with her friends, then for pedicure, then for dinner and drinks with her friends, winding up at a pub dancing till 1am in the morning. The next day we patched up. Not wanting to hurt each other, none of us revealed what we did the previous day. One fine day, she discovered the single movie ticket from my dashboard. I spilled the beans. Another fine day, her friends returned the money that she had paid for the dinner and drinks. She too had to spill the beans. Both the times, spilling beans led to fights."
9) "Long years back when i was dating my wife.. i was to meet her brother for the first time. I completely forgot about the appointment. My wife and her brother kept waiting for me at a restaurant for 1 hour, before she called to remind me of the appointment. I was however on my way to meet a client in the opposite direction. Not only did i forget that appointment, i fixed up another meeting... only to forget it again. I finally met my brother in law in the third appointment. Its still a family joke."
Hope all of you learnt your lessons from this... :)
Got more??? Hit the comment section... i would love to hear more.
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