All the political pundits were crying hoarse about how its going to result in a hung parliament. The scouting for allies resembled like finding grooms for your daughter in Bihar. Anybody and everybody will do. It was shameful, dirty and cheap to say the least. But while Congress and BJP did all in their means and tried every trick in the book, the one who emerged the smartest was the Indian voter. The smart Indian voter knew that India cannot afford elections regularly. That India needs a stable government that can make changes over their full term. The same Indian voter also knew that giving a majority to a single political party would be the only thing that would end this dirty game of give and take that the coalition polictics is made up of.
I bow down to this Indian Voter. Its unbelievable the way Congress emerged as the single largest party with 206 seats. And the UPA alliance at 262 proved it, in just a matter of hours on May 16th, that Manmohan Singh will be the next Prime Minister. Good news. Though i am inno awe of Manmohan Singh. I feel he hardly talks. India is on its way to become one of the strongest economies and a power hub in years to come. We need a more vocal leader. And a person, who's personality strikes down not just allies but also your enemies. A Prime Minister, should be someone, who is not only witty like Winston Churchill but also a suave smart guy like Barack Obama. A Prime Minister should have a voice that is affirmative and assuring. Someone who can tell us, 'I am there for all of you'. Not a meek looking guy who's always watching his back. I find Sonia Gandhi more powerful than Manmohan Singh. Her body language shows that she's incharge. Her mannerisms prove her confidence and her concern. She doesnt look here and there everytime she's about to say something important. And believe it or not, her vocal chords too are stronger than that of Manmohan Singh. Looks like Sonia is the boss and Manmohan is her closest and the most powerful secretary.

I have nothing against the Congress party or the UPA. I am just putting my analysis of the guy who's India's Prime Minister. He lacks the machoism, good looks and a confident body language. I guess my favourite phrase 'there's nothing like an ideal man' holds true here. Only if the Prime Minister was a woman.... she would be all of it. But i dont want to turn this into a gender fight.
On the other hand, LK Advani, too wasnt a favourable choice. Infact, i liked the BJP manifesto much better than the UPA manifesto. I am not from the minority community, neither i am a farmer nor am i unemployed. So i am of no importance to the UPA. The BJP manifesto, on the other hand, had something for me. I am an educated, middle class, employed girl who dreams big and would like to see foreigners scout for Indian visas one day. BJP Manifesto promised that the tax exemption limit will be raised to 3 lakhs for women... and i loved that proposal. Another feature i liked was the Ladli Laxmi Yojna where a new born girl child is promised 1 lakh rupees by the time she turns 18. I really liked that. These were the real concrete measures to empower my gender. But unfortunately, LK Advani didnt look as a likeable Prime Minister either. He was too old. Today's youth hardly listen to their parents... forget grand parents. They want someone who belongs to their generation to make policies for them. Why would people chose LK Advani? So BJP, smart enough, to expose their second rung leaders... quickly came up with Narendra Modi's name. Now who would in their best senses talk about a megalomaniac, arrogant and eccentric Narendra Modi, who has been accused of butchering muslims in Gujarat? But BJP did. And i guess thats what can be attributed as the second best reason for NDA's loss. They thought people have forgotten Godhra and the riots that followed in Gujarat. Who can forget post godhra riots? Not us guys. We are too young to forget things that happened just 7 years ago.
Fortunately, NDA lost. Modi's hopes shattered of taking over from Advani. But i must say, Advani, even at 81, was extremely gracious enough to accept his defeat. He not only sent a message through Arun Jaitley that he congratulates Sonia Gandhi and Manmohan Singh, but also graciously offered to step down as the Leader of Opposition and morally took the responsibility of NDA's loss. That was in his most parliamentarian style. I appreciate that. On the other hand, there was Narendra Modi. Used to victories, Modi exposed how badly he handles losses. He remained cocooned in his bungalow. Gave strict instructions to security personnel that no one was to be allowed inside. Even media didnt get a chance to meet him and take his reaction. Perhaps Modi was too dumbfounded. And his ego didnt allow him to accept defeat graciously. So he took full 24 hours to recover and finally on his way to Delhi claimed 'there are no full stops in politics'. Right. Thank You Mr. Modi. Perhaps, Modi doesnt know how to be calm and gracious in defeat. He made an extraordinary attempt to give a broad smile as if nothing had happened. He behaved like everything was fine and he was on his way to congratulate UPA for their victory. Mr. Modi, its alrt to lose. Its alrt to accept your defeat. And its alrt to show how upset you are at NDA's loss. That would have seemed genuine. Your broad smile and arrogant optimism only turned off your sympathizers.

And i feel UPA would be smiling coyly in a corner after seeing Modi so hapless. They are on their way to form the next government and what seems from the news, is that more young faces will be inducted in the cabinet. That would really be a relief. I guess the biggest relief is not having Arjun Singh as part of the cabinet. He and his reservation politics have done no good either to the backward classes nor to the country. I hope some young guy like Sachin Pilot or Jyotiraditya Scindia is made the HRD minister. That would be nice. And Rahul Gandhi, true to his blood, is not likely to take up any post in the cabinet. When he knows he can be the Prime Minister, why would he be in a hurry to be part of the cabinet. He doesnt want to spoil his image or rather expose his working style by being a colleague when he knows that he can directly become their boss, in a few years. And not forgetting that even without a cabinet post, after Congress's stupendous success in these polls, Rahul Gandhi can wield enough power to have things his way in any department he wants.

So while Congress is on its way to form the next government, BJP is still thinking how to gather itself. I guess the reason why BJP lost and Congress won was because of the colour psychology. In the scorching heat, the saffron only hit your eyes and brains so badly that Congress's light blue was calm, refreshing change. Maybe they should look at colours the next time. But even as 2009 elections have drawn to close... the battle and preparations for 2014 have already begun. Rahul is aiming for the top most job next time around and BJP is determined to fight back and collect its reins to pull it off the next time.
I, at the end of all this tamasha, only hope that India's top political parties, keep in mind that the indian voter, is much smarter than they can think of. Kudos to Democracy!!!