Yeah... thats my mom!!! Niharika Acharya. Niharika means galaxy. A galaxy which has infinite emotions within her and a personality even more colourful than a rainbow. In these modern times, i can compare her personality to my nokia screen that has 64000 colour display. She's colourful, exuberant and vivacious when she's not sulking about my hairstyle or food preferences or angry over coming late and keeping my room untidy.
She likes to be called 'Mumma'. And my dearest Mumma is a tyrant when it comes to living in her house. Yes!! She has openly and unjustly declared that the home belongs to her and if we want to live in there, we will have to obey her. Which means, tidying your bed the moment you wake up, keeping shoes in the cabinet before going to sleep, come home by 11pm sharp or bear her brunt for the next 33 years and never ever... i repeat never ever disturb her when she's asleep.
Though i must give her the credit of controlling her temper over years. When Devam and I were little children, we were slapped when we spoiled the bed or kept fighting and hitting each other. Once (this was devam's idea) i put the rice dabba over the wheat flour dabba and climbed onto it so that i could reach the Bournvita container on the top shelf in our kitchen. Mumma was fast asleep. And Devam wanted to eat Bournvita. So he made me a scapegoat and made me climb this deceptive podium, made up of two dabbas to fetch Bournvita for him. And when i had just about climbed and reached Bournvita, Mumma woke up. We heard the noise, Devam instead of holding those dabbas in place... left the dabbas and me... and ran for his life, I lost balance... fell... in the mixture of wheat flour - rice - bournvita, and stood up to face Mumma. One tight slap followed. I will never forget that slap. Its become an anecdote now in the family and a sharp reminder to mumma when she boasts that she never hit her kids.
But thats not all thats to her. She's done so much for us that this blogger server would crash if i listed those things. I can only imagine what it would have been like to get up at 5am in the morning, ready milk and breakfast for her kids, cook and later reach work by 7am. Just so that devam and i had a better lifestyle. She gave up her holidays and her shopping so that Devam and I could go to those numerous camps and buy new things every couple of months. She still works so hard despite her diagnosed illness of gouts and persistant backache. She means a world to me.
Even today, when i am fully able to look after myself at 27, she still hands me over a plate of dryfruits every evening. She still calls out for lunch and markets it like its a feast just so that i go, eat a little with them. She still prepares my coffee every morning. And never forgets to remind me what a bad addiction coffee is when she hands me the coffee mug. :) and everytime i brush her off or ignore her... she comes, sits besides me, calls up Devam and tells her about my misbehaviour. And then i get this long lecture from Devam about how bad i am. :) My mother is mother of all dramas.
She does force me to do things that i dont want to do (specially household chores) and always reminds me what would i do once i was married. She's worried to the hilt that i will ruin her name once i am married and dont help around in the household. And worrying is her favourite timepass. What if this happens??? What if this doesnt happen???
Mumma is priceless. Its a great respite when she's not home. But dad and i keep reconstructing our conversations in her absence. What would Mom say? How would Mom react? So even in her absence... she's hardly absent. She's a darling. She loves a neat and clean home. And dare anyone ruin it even a wee bit. You will be reprimanded severly. Even if you happen to be the Prime Minister of this country. "PM hase ena ghar no.... ahiya to hu PM chu," is what Mumma would say.
Mumma loves mimicking people. She's extremely good at mimicking her cousins and is full of fun among them. She undergoes a personality change when she is among the 'Joshis'.... :) My dad will always elbow me and say, "Jo tarri mumma ne". She's a riot when she is with her sisters - laughing, joking and making fun of everyone. And she's a complete opposite when she is with Acharyas... She's in control of everything. She knows what to cook for everyone, she knows what to arrange for everyone, she knows what one should wear for a pooja and what should one wear for a wedding, she knows whom to gift what and she knows where to go and whom all to meet. A great multitasker. And thats what she wants me to be.
She's cute and furious at the same time. Extremely bad at English, some of her encounters with English Speaking people have become famous anecdotes now. Once at the JFK airport, she was questioned about what was in the packet that she was carrying? She said most animatedly, "These are flowerwadis." She was actually carrying the gujarati snack of phulwadi for someone there. And when she was asked about the silver anklets in her purse, she started dancing in the front of the officer to prove that it was an ornament. :)
Mom's a sweetheart!! Extremely emotional at times, hilarious and most forthcoming with jokes sometimes, extremely temperamental when you do things she doesnt like and above everything... most lovable for what she is! She loves her kids the most in the world and today she would give up or ignore everything if she got to spend a day with Devam and me.

On this mother's day... there's nothing materialistic that i wish to give her. Recession isnt a good time for elaborate gifts. :) But recession also makes you realise that expressing your love for your mother has nothing to do with those gifts. This blog entry is dedicated to her. This will remain etched forever and will be read by my children and grandchildren. I doubt if my Mumma will read this. But then... i have never been good at actually telling her how much i love her. So this is my own indirect way to confess that i wouldnt be anywhere today if it wasnt for her. Her love, her teachings, her antics, her upbringing and her temper.... will always be loved and cherished. Love you Mom! Happy Mother's Day!!
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