My Journal ---
They walk out of that cabin quietly holding hands. Mom looks around... women with bellies at different stages in their pregnancy. She already starts dreaming of a new wardrobe. Dad is still stunned. Slowly realising that his life is going to change forever.
Both head for Deshna. Its my nana-nani's anniversary and they are all going to meet for dinner. But will they tell them about me right now?"
- 25th January 2012
"We are expecting a baby, announces mom to my grandparents. I knew they wont be able to tell them right away. Mom has already started caressing her belly. I like it. Its like she is saying Hi! to me. Dad awaits the reactions. And as expected both the set of grandparents are super happy. Hurray... I am on way. But shhhhh... its going to be a secret for some time. Meanwhile I head for my first vacation with my parents to GOA."
- 26th January 2012
"I am kicking up a storm inside. Its dark and i feel like i am in a swimming pool. I swim around the whole time. Even when i am sleeping. My little nose, ears, eyes, fingers and legs are growing rapidly. And i love the food that is coming my way. Such a great life. Have to do nothing. The food arrives timely. I rest, I sleep. And when i am all rejuvenated, i go splashing around in my private pool. Life is good.
But seems like my mom is exhausted. Right now, I am her little private secret. She takes me to Ambaji, Godhra, Vadodara and is running behind Narendra Modi. I couldnt sleep properly when Mr Modi talked loudly on the microphone. And my mother keeps munching almonds. Where's the icecream momma?? Its so hot. Bring it on."
- February 2012

My mom meanwhile keeps pestering the doctor. She wants to know whether I am a girl or a boy. She's super curious types, you know. Only if she knew that she did have to wait patiently to know this. Everything cant be googled. I am enjoying this looming question in my mom's mind. Love teasing her. My dad meanwhile wants to wait till my arrival. But his preference is clear. How I wish my Mom knew that I am going to be a Daddy's boy."
- March 2012
"Ufff... Its hot. Unbearable. My mom is struggling to keep me a secret. She cant bear the sun. It makes her puke. Once it got so bad, she had to run out of the Court, find a secluded corner to puke. I wish she feels better soon. Dad doesnt like that she's puking on roads. Suggests that she gets brown paper bags. Now only if he knew what it means to have me inside him... hahaha!!! I am a tough cookie to crack!
Meanwhle, I have pinky cheeks, long legs and i now know how to move my hands and legs. I knock on the insides to share this new trait with my momma. I knock on the womb walls... and she feels it. Her hand promptly responds to say Hi!!! I jump in ecstasy. I do a little gig, clap my hands, wobble around and zzzz... am fast asleep. Afterall, how much can i do at 20 weeks??
But while i am partying and snoozing, Dad is all worked up. There was a fire in the factory. Next day a man who comes to repair the roof, falls off. Like Humpty Dumpty. Mom and Dad have to cancel their Malaysia trip. Dad struggles to get his office in order. After several bribes, inspection and 'a yagna to pacify errant planet', things return to normalcy."
- April 2012

"I have dreams now. I converse with God. I tell him how I am having a wonderful time. I tell God how I want to attend AR Rahman's concert as soon as I am outside. I tell him how Vanilla Icecream tastes yummy and Mangoes are his best creation. And I also tell him how Dad tickles me at night. I break into laughter and then i am so tired after doing so much that i doze off.
And i wake up to this amazing coffee and muffin, before I have to rush to office with Momma. Momma works hard. All day long. When she is having a tough time, I wobble around, shake my hands and limbs to say that I am thinking of her. It somehows helps her relax. And she smiles. She murmurs, She loves me, and gets back to work."
- May 2012
"Finally Mom and Dad decide to take a vacation. Hurray!!!
I am in Kuala Lumpur. My amazing buas have come to fetch us. The city is intriguing. I try Nasi Goreng and other Malaysian stuff... but still... where's my Subway?? My eggs?? I make do with Milo Ice. I am pampered in Penang. Momma takes me for a walk, a drive around the Gurney Drive and I love Rambutan.
Finally i taste Pizza. And Pasta. I wonder why Momma kept me away from these delicious things till now. Maybe we can have it only on vacation. But I love it.
A superb thing happens. While I swim in my Momma's womb, Momma and Daddy swim together at Langkawi... watching the sun set. And then all three of us have Pizza and Ice Tea. God, if this is how Life is going to be, make it happen soon."
- June 2012
"I come back to Mumbai. Uffff.... so much noise. And so hot. But thank god, we arent going to be here for long. I am on my way to attend Prerana Masi's wedding in Pune. Yipppeeee... my first wedding. But more than Prerana Masi, its Janki Masi who is super excited. I am due 23rd Sept and she is sure that I will be out only the next day, which happens to be her birthday. God... how girls behave?? And why do they jump even in their thirties?? Only little ones like me are around to jump....
Time for me to do my little gig.... Bring on the music, Momma!!
But instead of just switching on the bathroom speakers, the whole family gathers for a gig. Momma dresses up in a Sari and she is sooooo beautiful. :) There's a small pooja to welcome me. And we all celebrate with a treat. Everyone present, shower my Momma and me with their blessings!!! Such beautiful people. Thank you God!!"
- July 2012
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