M F Hussain seemed quite miffed with the recent terror attack on Mumbai. And he has conveyed that on canvass. His reaction to the Mumbai tragedy, the work that he has named as 'Rape of India' has become the highlight of an exhibition on Indian contemporary visual arts at London's prestigious Serpentine gallery. He has also said that "hope the youth will rise and throw the old fogies away." Voices of aggression have come from all the nooks and corners of this world against the terror attack.
While Washington, London, Berlin, Russia have all voiced their angst against the perpetrators and pledged their support for India, some voices have arrived from the most unexpected corners. I am quite surprised at the way the Pakistani Media (especially Dawn and Geo TV) have taken up the task of investigating if the terrorists were actually from Pakistan. Much to the Pakistani hukumat's embarrasment, the fact which we knew within 24 hours of the attack, has been proved by their own fourth estate. I would like to credit Pakistani media with supporting the truth even as it goes on to establish that their own nationals were involved in an attack on India.
I am sure the Pakistanis (I mean the local citizens) too are ashamed at the revelation. For a week, they cried hoarse about how India had failed at providing any proof that the attack was launched from their soil. Some of them went on to boast that India was jumping the gun too soon and was pointing fingers at Pakistan out of mere habit. Sorry to disappoint you but India has ample proof that the switch that triggered the attack was pulled in Pakistan... the perpetrators who terrorised Mumbai were Pakistani nationals... the commando like training they received was imparted by none other than Pakistan's ex-army officials... The proof is there. And we will soon hand it over to you. Infact not only to you, but to America as well as the entire world to see.
India's external minister, Pranab Mukherjee, in his meeting with Condoleeze Rice (US's secretary of state), made it amply clear that India's decent behaviour, shouldnt be mistaken for its weakness. I agree, Mr. Mukherjee. India has been nice enough to support the travel ties, cricketing ties, cultural and trade ties with Pakistan... But i think we should cut off all the ties with Pakistan. We dont need to play cricket with them. Though i love Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, i dont mind kicking him out of our country. Most Indian Muslims too have come out strongly against Pakistan.
Which has been the most noteworthy. If groups like the Lashkar or Jamaat ud dawa or al qaeda, claim to be fighting for Islam - and if this has been their reason to launch an attack on India to establish their caliphate (Rule of Islam in this World)... please hear it loud and clear that the Indian Muslims are not interested. And in your bid to establish your own Islamic world, let me remind you that out of 141 civilians that died in the attack - 44 were muslims. If you are fighting for them - you do not realise that muslims have become targets of muslims. Noted lyricist and poet, Javed Akhtar, who came out to condemn the attacks, said, "Humme hi badalna hoga... woh (pakistan) to kabhi badalenge nahi... isi liye humme hi badal na hoga." He's an Indian Muslim.

Shahrukh said, "I have read the holy Quran. I read it aloud to my children. I strongly believe that there's one islam by Allah, and there's another by the Mullahs." Aamir observed Eid with a black band on his hand. In his blog (http://www.aamirkhan.com/blog.htm), Aamir calls the terrorists - AK 47 toting maniacs, and says, "Terrorists are not Hindu or Muslim or Christian. They are not people of religion or God. They are people who have gone totally sick in their head and have to be dealt with in that manner."
Infact, one of the most polarised states of India - Gujarat too saw muslims coming out and condemning the attack. Infact in places like Navasari, Rajkot, Vadodara and Ahmedabad, Muslims burnt the Pakistani flag to show their anguish. I appreciate their solidarity. In times like this, when the attack comes from foreign land, in the name of religion - the muslims in Gujarat have shown that its not religion which is the problem.. its the nation that's the problem. Not only big Muslim names but also the common Indian Muslim has stood by India today to condemn the attack that originated in the name of Islam.
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