Even before the clock struck 12, I was bombarded with messages wishing me a Happy New Year. Being a Gujarati, I am blessed to celebrate two such new year's every year. So while i was being bombarded with good wishes from every nook and corner of the world... my thoughts went back to the year which was phasing out quietly...
2008, was perhaps, ashamed, on the way it had turned out to be. He quietly was leaving the scene, without making too much noise or attracting attention. It hadnt been a good year. Markets had crashed - the 25000 mark on the sensex now looks like a five year plan. Terror ripped apart our country - like some paper was being shredded in the waste destroying machine. Times had changed - forever - for many of us. My two best friends got married in 2008. Times have changed for our country too - a carefree, progressive nation like our's, which was touted as a country to watch out for - has become the global attraction since 26/11. Politics in India has changed forever - the policies that attended to securing nation's poor - will now shift to protecting nation's urban - considering the recent spat of terror attacks.
Though my life hasnt seen a drastic change in 2008 - i have nonetheless been affected by the changes taking place around me. If i have to look back at 2008, a few prominent landmarks would be that of changing my job ( I left radiocity and moved to NewsX) and that amul and i completed ten years of being together in 2008. (I am glad i can be happy about both) Though the year had its own setback - for the first time in my life, Ahmedabad was targetted. I never thought i would be covering one of the worst bomb blasts in my own city. It was heart wrenching. The Civil Hospital sight has been carved in my memories forever. Everytime i think about it, my heart skips a beat. It was traumatic to say the least.
But as they say that "Change is the only constant thing in life."
I am looking forward to 2009. New year brings new hopes... A lot of us are looking forward to this year with new ambition, new wishes and new experiences. While Chintan-Vrushti are looking forward to becoming parents, Amul - I are looking forward to being married. Devam is looking forward to come back and start afresh in Mumbai and while some other friends are looking forward to pack up from Mumbai and moving back/forward.
When everyone has been forwarding messages and emails, wishing each other - Happy New Year, i thought of doing my own little survey to see - that in gloomy times like these, what makes one happy?? Some very interesting answers came up. I got to conclude that inspite of so many insecurities and expectations around, 'hapiness' doesnt come from accomplishing those 'materialistic' goals... instead, people tell me that its their 'family' that makes them happy. If there's something that gives people peace - its being around their family. "Having home cooked meal", "Seeing my children together at home", "Sleeping in my dad's lap" all turn up in the answers.
While men chose to reply in one words and women were more elaborate about their happiness, the factors or points are same.
People from different age groups, too dont differ much when it comes to deciding what makes them happy. For parents, its their children who are a source of happiness and for children, its spending time with their parents, recollecting old memories and doing things together, that brings them happiness.
And the surprising thing is, while most of us want a hike in our salaries, or a foreign holiday or a new home or a new car, none of these, figured in the list "this makes me happy" at all.
For some, India doing good matters a lot... India facing up to terror and politicians doing their jobs correct will bring them 'happiness'.
"India winning a match." "Playing with my dog." "A hot shower." "A nice song." - are just some of the answers...
Here's the entire list.
Vrushti - The image of my baby playing with Laphroaig and giggling in delight with the sheer exuberance of being alive. (Vrushti is eight months pregnant and she's already a mother to her four month old labrador - Laphroaig, named after her favourite Whiskey Brand); The memories of Chintan and me lying around at home watching movies and drinking wine all sunday in the freezing melbourne winter; Closing my eyes and imagining that i'm cycling along the riverfront by myself - really hard, really fast - racing to beat my own time; Laying my head in dad's lap while he reads the newspaper on a sunday morning and feeling like a child again - totally secure and very loved... (These) things that matter today and will do a hundred years from now.
Chintan - Aara (thats what Vrushti and Chintan plan to name their child if the baby is a daughter), Sex, H*** (Censored on my blog), Laphroaig (He's father to a four month old Labrador), Beer. (Men will be men... :) )
Sujit - Eating at a good place, helping someone to get a job, low real estate rates, branded stuff out at discounted rates. ( Well, Sujit is an exception on the matters of materialism and happiness :) )
Aditya - Pakistan made to suffer; United and neat Politics; US asked not to interfere; Modi for PM's post in next general elections; India continuing to do good in cricket. (Aditya lives in Mumbai and was obviously affected by the recent attack on Mumbai.)
Anuja (Jadu) - India winning a cricket match; War with A****** (Our neighbouring country); Getting over with recession; Good Politicians to rule our country; Upgrading our security system. (Anuja is tired of recession... seems like her shopping trips have been curbed... but what the heck... i too want to get over this insecurity, of whether my next paycheck will come on time or not)
Arjun - Friends, Food, Family, Games - Computer and outdoors, Road trups. (Short and Sweet)
Raksha - A good hair day; A good friend; A good cup of hot tea; Text Twirl on Facebook (now what is that??!!); My monthly paycheck that reminds me that i atleast still have my job. (Now, this is typically Raksha - honest to the core.. :) )

Devam - Meeting loved ones; Looking forward to festivals; Making people around me feel important and happy; Working out in the Gym; Learn something new to forget the crisis time. (Now thats Devam - who gets this huge smile on face, if the audience around him is happy with him... )
Dad - Proper Sleep at proper time; Good Music; Humourous and Positive people; Creative artists and sportsperson; people with vision and determination.
Mom - Having Devam and Mosiqi around me; Both my kids on the dining table; Doing a kind deed; Singing; Praying.
Amul - Mosiqi; Food; Good Weather; Friends; Sleep (He asked me to replace Sleep with Music... )
Mosiqi - When showered with kisses from Amul; Long chats over coffee with Anu and Anuja; Spending time at home with mom, dad and devam around; Celebrating festivals in 360 manner with food, clothes and traditions; Hot shower and a cold coffee. Anyday!!
Here's wishing that each 'source' of happiness for everyone, stays by and stands by them in this new year. Wishing you all a very very "Happy" New Year. :)
i loved it!! esp because my name is in it!! :) :)
oh and happy new year my dear.. hope the new year brings both u and amul much love, marriage and, if you hurry, a baby in a carriage too!
come on now, step on it!! i want to see what you write in your blog once you get married! haha!
best wishes for the new year to your parents as well.. ciao!
I bet my blogs after marriage will only get spicier... :)
but even the journey upto the wedding wont be that bland!! :) life and blogging has just begun... my great grandchildren are going to love reading my blogs once i am gone...
very nice. and well-analyzed... and since my reply was the most verbose (surprise surprise), i wont do the same with my comment :)
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