Australian Cricket Team is out of ICC T20 World Cup 2009!!!! Yipeeee... serves them right.

Personally i love Australia. Its a young exuberant country. With awesome places to see and experience. But thats no excuse for treating Indian Students the way they are being treated right now. In India, we would say, "Ghar aayi lakshmi ko thapadd nahi maarte!!"... Perhaps, the australians dont know that. The age old instinct of committing a crime is perhaps coming to fore. Years ago... people who were convicted in Great Britain were sentenced to live in Australia. So Britain's thugs and murderers were transported to Australia. Now imagine all the bumble-jumble that must have taken place over years. Convicts married convicts, settled down somewhere, got education, started work and were living peacefully and then Indians happened.
This sudden inflow of Indian Students, working hard and making Australia their home, didnt go well down with the convincts. Now who likes to see another person becoming succesful and taking your place in the society???
I guess thats exactly what has happened in Australia. This is my conspiracy theory of everything going wrong in Australia right now. One sort of community jealous of another community. And when communities and in this case, races clash... it becomes a racial attack.
Victorian Police is calling these attacks 'opportunism'. Indian High Commission is going all high and dry over this. They have sent a delegation to Australia. (Now which bureaucrat doesnt like a free trip). Meanwhile, the Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Dudd-sorry-Rudd is embarrassed. Rudd must be thinking... only if these stupid australians realised that beating up Indians will only bring our economy down... we dont need to add anything to the slow economy anyway, u duds!!! The embarrassed Rudd called up our docile Indian Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh, who is least worried about the attacks in Australia.

Meanwhile the poor Indian students, true to their blood, (Mahatma Gandhi zindabad), are out with their non-violent protests. Indian media is going ga-ga about the attacks on Indian Students. The visuals are appealing and the students rally look just like they happen in India. Some people think Media is being biased. Infact one of the news report talked about "well-settled australians of indian origin" who said that how they feel that Indian Media is blowing this out of proportion. (Perhaps they fear they will be deported back to India if they say anything against Australia) Anyway, my father-in-law thinks the same. He told us the other night, that its not as bad as its being portrayed on television.
Well, lets put it in black and white. Here's how it is.
25 year old Baljinder Singh, came to Australia in 2006 from Haryana. On 25th May, at 10.15 pm, he alit at Carnegie station, a relatively wealthy Melbourne suburb where his friend stayed. He was walking towards his friend's house, when two white youth approached him and asked for money. His instincts prompted him to give them the cash he had in his wallet. But as he went to get money out his wallet (which was inside his bag), the two whites stabbed him in the stomach. On television, Baljinder said, "It happened so quickly that i didnt even know i had been knifed."

23 year old Shravan Kuman had just arrived in Melbourne. He was attending what you could call a welcome party where half the 20 guests were students from India who had just arrived in Australia. The party was on way. And two drunk white guys barged in. "They began calling us Indian Bastards and M***** F*****," says Kaushik, who was at that party that night. The Indians (like filmy heros) cajoled the abusive duo to return to their car, but then one of them began to throw jabs at an Indian. As one assailant was promptly pinned down to the ground, his companion fished out a screwdriver and lunged at Shravan. Shravan was admitted to hospital with severe skull injuries.
So now you decide, if Indian Media is blowing these racist attacks out of proportion? Its no movie. Its real life incidents, attacks. Reported by Australian Media first and then taken up by the Indian Media. Infact Indian Media didnt even have to go looking for follow up stories. Indians are being attacked on daily basis in Melbourne and in Victoria. And if its about Indian Students under fire... why wouldnt the Indian Media make it a headline???
Infact, Kevin Dudd-- sorry Rudd is extremely worried. This has caused immense negative publicity world over. Even Americans (as if they dont have enough problems of their own) are reporting this. I saw a story on CNN. BBC is obviously reporting it. The British are making the best use of this available opportunity. Who wouldnt like to share the blame of being racists with their Australian Brothers??? So the point is Dudd-i mean-Rudd is working overtime to ensure that all this negative publicity doesnt affect his country's third biggest export business of education sector. According to Outlook Magazine, Australia's education sector, is country's third largest export earner and generated Au$15.5 billion in 2008.
Well, So Mr Dudd-Rudd will soon have do something. Amitabh Bachchan has already rejected an honour from them. Some Australian Students, who were attacked in the past, have returned to India. While some of them are contemplating. I hope it doesnt get worse... Mr baby-face dudd rudd... do something... alarm bells are already ringing loud in the international community!!!
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