The morning chat started from life's philosophy, went onto global warming, to this road trip i want to go on, to not wanting to get married, to ruining amul's life after marriage and finally goodbye. It was time for him to go to sleep in Barack Obama's land.
He has asked me not to reveal much about him. He wants to enter films with a bang... as if he came from no where... :)
But thats not possible when he has an elder sister, who not only talks too much but can also write and has an exclusive rights to a blog. Dear Devam, you are still to have your fans.... I already have them. :) I have to live upto their expectations. I know you will understand this bit.

Devam's New Found Philosophy
devam: all u want is everythin.. is tht a problem
well yes it is
materialism is a enemy of time..
me: ohhh ya
someone is becoming very philosophical
devam: ofcourse
me: the thing is
i feel... i have one life to live
and why cant i have everything?
devam: if u have 1 life to live
find the true meaning to it
and contribute to the world
me: ohhh ya????
devam: theres more happiness in giving then taking
me: dont u think i have given enough
devam: nope
me: why dont other people give me anything
devam: the process will only begin when ull realise the true meaning to ur existence
me: true meaning of my existence is that i work too hard for kind of salary i earn
i need to take it a little easy
put my feet up
chill my heels
smile a little more
devam: yes
me: close my eyes
devam: u can do tht
me: and relax
and even go to sleep
if i can do all this by a beach in goa.... nothing like that
devam: yup
n once u r done attaining calm
go help the world
give give give
n get the pleasure of giving
Observation: I couldnt believe it was my own brother talking. A person who can buy a shirt worth Rs 13000/- without thinking of those lakhs who go hungry to bed everynight... has suddenly transformed into this 'giver' of the world.
Devam on Global Warming
devam: wid Industrialization, r they growing more trees?
me: yes they are
u shall be surprised
devam: ok very good
me: but our highways are fantastic
thy have grown trees in between
devam: im very concerned abt global warming..
i dun care abt highways.. i travel by air
all im concerned is abt India bein greener than ever
me: ya... and waste tonnes and tonnes of fuel... and someone just said he was concerned about global warming.
what a farce u are devam
devam: arre farce shu ema.. i dun have time
i have to save time, so i can reach to more and more ppl
me: yes... talk about flying and global warming in the same sentence
devam: arre!!
me: u still have a lot to learn chotta aadmi
devam: Al gore is a Green Revolution ambassador
does tht mean he shud stop flying and go by car everywhere
me: no... he should cycle
devam: mebbe next time when he crosses the atlantic, he shud build a highway in order to save fuel
me: or even better... conduct online conferences and save paper and fuel
devam: yeah rite
me: well... ppl who are concerned... can do things
devam: only 13% of the world population is internet savvy
me: people who just need to talk... will definitely find excuses
devam: it doesnt work liddat
dun talk like a chhota aadmi
think in terms of gore or me
devam: its almost impossible to reach out to common man, which is y we have to reach out to ppl like u
me: yaa yayayaaa...
devam: who can in turn spread our msg
me: ya right
devam: n we'll cover the globe slowly wid help of ppl like u
me: i have no time for your crap
devam: arre ... im tryin to save planet earth
me: yayaya yaaa
where am i denying it
devam: n u r bein ignorant juss like everybody else
me: hahahaha
Devam on my road trip
devam: u cool of ur heels in goa
ill try cool my planet
me: i havent laughed so much before 10am in ages
yeah... cool devam.... cool planet
why dont u send me some money
i want to take a road trip
devam: go walking.. its free n planet freindly
me: i m not into global warming
devam: but i am .... which is y i wanna contribute in my own li'll way n not encourage something which is gonna emit dangerous gases
Sent at 10:17 AM on Wednesday
devam: be it ur road trip resulting into gas emission or be it tht table full of indian dishes tht u'll ultimatey turn into poisonous gases
me: so u want everyone to stop driving, flying and manufacturing
ohhh... that misal pau was brilliant
devam: read before consumption - misal pau
after consumption - missile pau
me: you owe me money...can i have it now please?
devam: y
me: i want to go on a road trip
devam: hahaha
now not possible
it takes time
me: why not now???
i want to go on a road trip before my wedding
take wagon r
devam: u dun wanna start me again on global warming
r u goin to singapore in ur wagon r tht u need 2 lacs?
it'll be cheaper to go by air then
me: stopover at baroda, surat, mumbai, matheran, ratnagiri, sindhudurg, goa, bangalore, mysore, chennai, pondicherry and hyderabad, nagpur and bacck
devam: go by train
abbe save money for ur wedding
Devam on pursuing me to marry...
devam: before ur wedding, we acharyas we'll definitely go to a undisclosed holiday for 3-4 days
me: i dont want to get married...
devam: haha
abbe chal hawe ghar khaali kar.. bau rahi tu ghare..
now wats ur new excuse?
me: is there any need to change wagon r's colour, tyres, music system, garage, seat covers???
devam: i dunno.. i havent even seen tht car
me: same way... why do i need to change my name, residence, family, room, priorities....
devam: bcos car is a commodity and u r a person
me: but i am fine where i am
infact iam great where i am
devam: yes u r
me: why change it
devam: bcos u made the choice
we all have the choices.... ppl like d**** didi were successful daughter, professional..
but she never enjoyed the status of a successful wife or mother
or a daughter in law.. bcos they din choose to do so
they din choose to welcome new life..
uve made the choice, so stick by it and enjoy the ride
luckily u have a companion wid u on tht ride whom uve known for yrs n grown fond of
me: it sounds challenging...
infact i hate amul
he told me he would remarry the moment i died and i was out of his path
devam: haha
everybody waits for tht
me: why should i marry someone who's waiting for me to die so that he can remarry
devam: but majority of times the guy passes away before.. seein the ataychars from the so-called abla-naari
me: hahahahaha
devam: hahahaha
me: yes... i think i should marry
i want to do all the atyachaars on amul
devam: be peaceful, loving and giving
me: i will call him to get limbu and bateka
every evening
at 6pm sharp
even if he gets a kilo everyday... i will throw them away and remind him to get limbu
devam: dun throw them away
make limbu no ras
feed him
so tht gives him energy to bring some more limbus
Well... that was the end of it.... Devam finally was tired of talking to me... and called for a 'pack up'... He's off to sleep... while its time for me to check where Lord Jaganath along with his brother Baldev and sister Subhadra have reached in Ahmedabad.
@ mos hilarious indeed....
@devam...good luck with more of these conversations especially related to making mos used to idea of getting married ;)
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